Our Petition to the Minister
PETITION Revised: Feb. 3, 2006.11:00 am
FINAL MEDIA RELEASE: Complete Petition and signatures
from: Concerned Mathematics Educators, Researchers, the public
to: Editors, Education editors, Technology Editors of Ontario newspapers
regarding: A Petition to the Premier, Minister of Education and other
MPPs with specific recommendations intended to reverse the dilution of secondary school
Mathematics Education in Ontario Secondary Schools.
date: January 27, 2006.
contacts: Gordon Nicholls,Richard Clausi
This petition has been delivered to Premier Dalton McGuinty, Hon. Gerrard Kennedy (Minister of Education), John Milloy (MPP for Kitchener-Centre) and other members of the provincial legislature on January 17, 2006.
The petition consists of three components:
1. The covering letter from Gordon Nicholls to the Premier on behalf of those who have affixed their names to this petition
2. The actual petition in the form of a letter to the Premier and
3. The list of 286 people who have read and agreed with the content of the petition.
The list of names is in two parts:
1. a numbered, alphabetic list of 252 people who signed the petition within a 10 day window and
2. approx. 34 more who have joined the petition after the original was delivered to the Premier.
For privacy reasons,all addresses have been deleted from this copy of the petition. Qualifications, degrees and awards are shown.
In addition,the names of five people who so requested are designated as z1 to z5.
====== Covering Letter ========================================================================
36 The Crestway, Kitchener, N2P-2J2,
15 January, 2005
Dear Premier McGuinty:
Enclosed with this letter is a petition signed by over 250 Ontarians who have a deep concern about the sudden and ill advised decision to remove Calculus from the secondary school math curriculum. We believe this decision by your Ministry of Education is both ill advised and guaranteed to reduce the school system of Ontario to second class status. This concern is reflected by the variety of petition supporters. Included are representatives of the university community, the high technology research community, the business community, the teaching community and the community of parents.
We also draw to your attention that your Ministry of Education has received submissions from the Professional Engineers of Ontario, The Science Teachers of Ontario, The Durham Catholic School Board and a small group of Toronto area schools. All these submissions called for a halt to the decision to remove Calculus that was announced in the Memorandum entitled "Revised Course Descriptions", dated November 2, 2005 that was sent to all principals and superintendents under the signature of Kit Rankin, Director of Curriculum and Assessment Policy.
Course registration for September 2006 is in its earliest stages in high schools and will be completed in February. Our petition calls for you to discuss this crisis situation you're your cabinet so that this unwise decision to remove the Calculus course from the high school can be reversed. We hope this will enable you to avoid a political embarrassment and outrage from the people of Ontario who are concerned with the direction of education.
Thank you for your immediate response to this urgent situation.
Yours truly,
Gordon Nicholls
On behalf of the petitioners
Hon. Dalton McGuinty,
Premier of Ontario
Queen's Park, Toronto
CC- Hon. Gerard Kennedy
- Mr John Milloy, MPP, Kitchener
Dear Premier McGuinty
We the undersigned are writing to you because of our great concern about the possible reduction in the quality of the Secondary School mathematics programme. This issue has been highlighted recently in a series of articles in the KW Record and the content of these articles suggests your government is about to make a serious mistake in the revisions for the school mathematics curriculum.
We have the following concerns:
1. For over fifty years the final year mathematics programme in Ontario consisted of three high level courses for university bound students. All of these courses were optional and thus offered to those students who wanted to pursue careers in the high technology areas of computer science, engineering, mathematics and physics. For the last 35 years students who wanted to study in these areas at the university were well prepared in Calculus, Linear Algebra, Algebra and Functions and Elementary Statistics. In many cases our students had a competitive advantage over students from other provinces. This is no longer the case.
2. When the Harris government dropped grade 13 from the Ontario school system, it attempted to preserve the three graduating year math courses by combining much of the content of the old grade 13 courses into two new grade 12 courses. The third new grade 12 course was focused in a new direction and did not contain a significant amount of the old courses. This put extra pressure on the Calculus, Functions course and the Geometry, Discrete Math course as well as on the grade 11 course to guarantee that students attained a suitable level of competence in skill development, understanding of new concepts and ability to problem solve. The answer to reducing this pressure is NOT to remove the Calculus course, rather it is to adjust the other new course so it can serve as the basic preparatory course for the Calculus and Linear Algebra courses.
3. Historically the revision of mathematics courses in Ontario was a long and slow process that often left Ontario far behind other major western countries. For example, a long overdue revision was implemented in 1937-39 to bring topics into the curriculum that would better prepare students for the tasks of navigation, gunnery control and radar reading. These topics had been in the high schools of Germany, France and other European countries for over thirty years! The next revision was implemented twenty-four years later in the period 1961-67 as a response to the Russian Sputnik space adventure. After that Ontario was very pro-active in revising and constantly improving the mathematics curriculum in an attempt to bring our programme in line with the programmes of the advanced western countries. The removal of Calculus will undo the hard work of the last thirty-five years and return Ontario to a secondary status amongst the technologically advanced countries. We think this will have serious repercussions for our high technology economy.
4. The provinces, such as Alberta, British Columbia and Quebec, with excellent university preparatory programmes in mathematics all include Calculus in the final year at the secondary school. One major reason for introducing Calculus at this level is that it exposes the bright students who select this course to the modern concepts of instantaneous rate of change and optimization. If Ontario removes Calculus from the final year at the secondary school our province will be below the standard set by three provinces that represent over half of the population base of Canada. We oppose the proposition that Ontario should be in the bottom half.
5. When you visited the University of Waterloo recently you stated that it was important for Ontario to maintain the leadership role in the high technology areas and indeed you stated it was essential to improve our competitive position. We will not do this if you lower the standards in the high school mathematics curriculum.
6. The last ten years has seen a proliferation of offerings of the IB and AP courses in Ontario schools. This trend is starting to create a two tier system of schools in Ontario. If Calculus is removed from the high school curriculum, then we think there will be a continuation of the trend to inequity in our high schools. Schools with strong staffs and local community support will start to offer either AP, IB or locally developed math and science courses that will keep their students competitive with students from other Canadian provinces and American states that offer good secondary programmes. Schools in poorer areas that do not have these advantages will fall behind and form the lower tier in a system that will not longer offer equality of opportunity. This approach is contrary to everything that Ontario created in the past and we oppose establishing the conditions that might allow it to occur.
In summary we ask you to discuss our concerns with your education minister and the cabinet. Further we request you implement a moratorium on the hasty actions currently in progress to cancel Calculus. Finally we recommend you form a new curriculum committee to look at how to preserve the teaching of Calculus in the secondary schools. If you think the secondary school mathematics programme must be adjusted, then we suggest you look at the following three ideas:
(i)Change the current grade 12 Data Management course to a Functions and Discrete Math course.
(ii)Return the current Functions and Calculus course to a Calculus course similar to the 1988 to 2000 Calculus course.
(iii)Return the current Geometry and Discrete math course to a Linear Algebra and Geometry course.
Thank you for your consideration of our concerns and our suggestions.
Yours truly,
Gordon Nicholls, 36 The Crestway, Kitchener, N2P2J2, Math head for 32 years, Retired managing director of the CEMC at University of Waterloo, Descartes Medalist University of Waterlo, Prime Minister of Canada Award for Excellence in Teaching
1 Abernathy, Lisa ,Curriculum consultant,
2 Ablett, Don, MAth teacher, Vice principal, 23 years, 9 years as a VP
3 Altermann, Michele, Science teacher,
4 Alves, Paul , Math head Stephen Lewis SS, 8 years,
5 Anderson, Edwin, . Math lecturer at University of Waterloo , 40 years , Descartes medalist University of Waterloo, Pouliot Award for service to mathematics in Canada, co-founder of Can MAth Contests
6 Anderson, Jeff , .. Math head Forest Heights, President Graystone Compression Technology, 25 years, Chair of Cayley mathematics competition
7 z1, Math teacher, 15 years,
8 Anglin, Bill , Math Head, Provincial math Inspector, Superintendant(Ret), 32 years,
9 Auckland, Lloyd , Math Head, Vice-principal (REt), consultant to CMC45 years, 45 years, Descartes medalist, University of Waterloo
10 Auger, Melissa , Math teacher, 5 years,
11 Bagshaw, Bill , Science teacher, 10 years,
12 Banks, Gord, Math head, 32 years,
13 Banks, Lorraine , Math teacher(Ret), 35 years,
14 BArrick, Chris , Math teacher, 15 years,
15 BAumgart, Ed, Math head (Ret), 34 years, Descartes Medalist, University of Waterloo, Stewart Award, Co-founder of GVMA
16 Bender, Crista, Head math Waterloo Oxford DSS, 25 years,
17 Beresford, Dick .,. Math teacher, principal, Assistant Superintendant(Ret), 33 years,
18 Bielby, David, Math teacher, 10 years,
19 Biffis, Judy, Math teacher, 15 years,
20 Billey, Ken ,.. Math Head Holy Name HS, 32 years,
21 Binning, Aaron, Candidate for BEd at Waterloo/Queens,
22 Bishop, Lloyd , .. President(Ret) Ivest Properties, 25 years,
23 Blizzard, Louis, Math teacher, 15 years,
24 Bonanca, David, Math teacher Abbet PArk, 5 years,
25 Bosse, Michael, Math teacher, 7 years,
26 Boychuk, Hilary, Math teacher, 4 months,
27 Braithwaite, Todd , MAth head at Leamington DSS,
28 Brennan, Nellie, Math teacher All Saints CSS, 16 years,
29 Breuls, Bob, Math teacher Eastdale CVI, 12 years,
30 Brown, Doug, Head mathematics, Cesley DHS (Ret) 30 years,
31 Buchel, Alex, PhD , Assistant professor of mathematics, 2 years,
32 Bukta, David, Math teacher, 8 years,
33 Burbidge, Ann, Math teacher, 35 years,
34 Burgess, Cliff, Researcher at Perimeter Institute, McMaster University,
35 Burns, Michael, Math head,
36 Calhoun, Gayle, Math teacher, 30 years,
37 Carli, Enzo ,Math head and teacher at U of W with CEMC(Ret), 33 years and 7 years, Descartes medalist at U of W, Prime Minister of Canada Award for excellence in teaching, Stewart Award
38 Carlin, Mark, Science teacher, 5 years,
39 Castanza, CArol Ann, Head math, business & computer studies Brookfield HS, 16 years,
40 Chakraborti, Sonali, Math physics teacher, 4 years,
41 Chan, Bosco , . Professor of Microbiology, 11 years,
42 Chappell, Jerry, Business system analyst, Open Text Corporation, Waterloo, Arthur Covaert Award for Academic Excellence
43 Charest, MAria, Math teacher Fletcher's Meadow SS,, 8 years,
44 Clark, Gail, MAth teacher, 8 years,
45 Clausi, Michelle, Teacher, first year,
46 Clausi, Richard , Math head Elmira DSS, teacher 31 years, Descartes medalist at U of W, National Prime Minister of Canada Award for excellence in teaching, Marshall McLuhan Award
47 Clinton, Lynn, Math teacher, 9 years,
48 Conn, Julia, Math teacher,
49 Cutts, John, Math science teacher., 1.5 years,
50 Danard, Charlotte, MAth teacher Branksome Hall, 18 years,
51 D'Arcy, Chris, MAth and Computer science teacher, 29 years,
52 Davidson, Dave, Math head (Ret), 35 years, Descartes medalist University of Waterloo, Past president OAME
53 deGraff, Adrian ,.. Head math, CS, Science Milton DSS, 13 years,
54 Dodman, Silvi, MAth coordinator at St Mildred's-Lightbourne, 29 years,
55 Doody, Brian, President DALSA Digital Imaging, 21 years, Professional engineer
56 Doody, Diana, Professional engineer, 21 years,
57 Drake, Janessa, Doctoral student at University of Waterloo, 2 years, CIRPD/CIHR Doctoral Research Award, NSERC scholarship
58 Duff, Bob , Principal, former math head, 25 years,
59 Dunham, Anne, Mom, Medical technologist, CFO of small business, 20 years,
60 Dunkley, Ron , . Associate Dean (Ret) and Director of CEMC (Ret) at University of Waterloo, 40 years, Descartes medalist, University of Waterloo, Order of Canada
61 Dusseault, Maurice, Professor,
62 Eden, Mike, Math teacher-Preston HS, 12 years,
63 Edwards, Bonnie, PhD , Math and physics teacher at university and high school , 16 years at each level, Co-author of math texts for Addison Wesley
64 Edwards, Jacqueline, Quality Control Manager, 9 months,
65 Eichholzer, George, Director, Siebel Systems Canada,
66 Elder, Kelly , . MAth teacher, 19 years,
67 Elias, Victor, PhD, Professor Applied MAthematics, 23 years, Edward Pleva Award Excellence in Teaching, Faculty of Science Distinguished Research Professor
68 Elliott, Annamae, Math and computer teacher, 5 years,
69 Elliott, Bob, MAth teacher, assistant head, 33 years,
70 Etherington, Alli, Math teacher Lorne Park SS, 7 years,
71 Evans, Kim, Math teacher, 13 years,
72 Fennell, Paul, Math teacher/head-Medway HS, 32 years,
73 Ferneyhough, Fred, Math teacher/head,
74 Ferneyhough, Lynda, MAth teacher secondary, university, 30 years,
75 Fieder, Anton, Math teacher, principal, 33 years,
76 Fitzgibbon, Teresa, Math teacher,
77 Flanagan, John, Math teacher, 22 years,
78 Flyn, Janice .,..... PhD Candidate, Human Kinetics, University of Waterloo, Many years as Physio Therapist,
79 Foulger, Mary, Math teacher, 5 years,
80 Fraser, Marion ,... Vice President Finance & Administration,
81 Freeman, Kim, High school teacher,
82 Frid, Norman, electrical Engineer, 25 years,
83 Fuchs, Gerry , . Math Physics teacher/Head, consultant Stoney Creek, 31 years,
84 Galbraith, John ,... Math teacher/Head, 25 years, Finn Stewart Teaching Award
85 Gallaugher, Eleanor, Head math, 17 years,
86 Gardiner, Peter, Head math at Galt C I, 19 years,
87 Gardner, Jeff, Math teacher, 20 years,
88 Gates, Cherie, Head of mathematics, 31 years,
89 Gazzola, Greg, Math head- Bluevale C I , Waterloo, 9 years,
90 Ghobril, Joseph, Math teacher, 5 years,
91 Giangrigorio,Lora, Assistant professor, Department of Kineseology,
92 Gillan, Margaret, Head Special services, Brantford CIVS 20 years math teacher,
93 Gillespie, Milja ,
94 Gillet, Rhoda ... Ontario math teacher(Ret), 34 years,
95 Girard, Diane, Math head at W Herman SS, Windsor, 30 years,
96 Goulet, Joe, MAth teacher, 2 years,
97 Grafton, Agnes, Math head-Assumption College, 20 Years,
98 Graham, Drew, Doctoral candidate, Department of Kineseology, U of W, 1 year, NSERC Scholarship, Presidents Grad Scholarship
99 Green, Ron , . Math teacher-secondary, university, 38 years,
100 Hambleton, Kenn, Math Head, 23 years,
101 Hamilton, Jonathan, Math teacher, 10 years,
102 Hardy, Lucien, Long term researcher at P I,
103 Hardy, Peter, MAth teacher(Ret), 33 years,
104 Havrot, Barbara, Math teacher, Brookfield HS, ottawa, 10 years,
105 Henry, Brian, Math teacher Waterloo Oxford SS, Head designate at Huron Heights SS, 28 years,
106 Hill, Warren, Math head- Grand River CI, 12 years,
107 Holdsworth, David, PhD, Professor, scientist at UWO, Premier's Research Excellence Award
108 Hommel, Tim, Math teacher, 27 years,
109 Hore, Deanna, Math teacher Lockerby Composite School, 10 years,
110 Hung, Austin, Computer Engineer, MSc, 3 years,
111 Hurrell, Marilyn . Math teacher-secondary, University, 35 years,
112 Husic, Elvin, Math head-CHCI, 14 years,
113 Iles, Doug . Ret math head White Pines C and VC, 33 years,
114 Ip, Kee, Math teacher, 3.5 years,
115 Jackson, Jennie, PhD Candidate Biomechanics, University of Waterloo, 3 years work, NSERC Scholarship, Presidents Grad Scholarship, U of W
116 Jackson, Joanna, Prof Engineer, 4 years,
117 Johnston, MArgo, Math head (Ret), 31 years, Descartes medalist, University of Waterloo
118 Jones, Carol . Assistant professor, 10 years,
119 Karrow, Paul .. Professor (Ret), 49 years, WA Johnston Medal
120 Kaufman, Steve ........... Senior Mechanical Engineer, Flowcase Engineering Inc, 22 years, Member Prof Engineers, Ontario, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
121 Kerr, Jane, MAth teacher, 10 years,
122 Kerr, MArgaret .. MAth computer teacher, 9 years,
123 Kewley, Ted, Math head- Preston High School, 22 years,
124 z2, Math curriculum leader , 15 years,
125 Kiziak, Gary . Head math and science(Ret) , 35 years, Descartes medalist, University of Waterloo
126 Koenka, Jack , . Head mathematics, 28 years, Descartes medalist, University of Waterloo, author
127 Koster, Pam,
128 Kreiss, Larry, MAth head at West Hill SS, 30 years,
129 Laflamme, Raymond , Profewssor of physics at Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo, Director Institute for Quantum Computing, Director CIAR QIP programme, Canada Researcg Chair in Quantum Information
130 Lancaster, Ron , ... Lecturer , 24 years, Hilroy Fellowship for Innovative teaching, Nortel Award for Excellence in Teaching and several other awards
131 Lang, Diane, Coordinator of math at UTS,
132 Latour, Sue, Math Science teacher, 7 years,
133 Lee, Melissa, Math teacher- Uxbridge SS, 11 years,
134 Lee, Tom, PhD, Vice-president, Market Developemnt, Maplesoft, 15 years, Professional engineer, numerous publications
135 Logan, Roger, Math teacher, 20 years,
136 Louie, Edith, Math teacher-Branksom Hall, 10 years,
137 z3, Math head-,
138 Lunney, Jeri ......... Math Head,Consultant, 33 years, Descartes Medalist, U of W, Prime Minister's Award, Attridge Award
139 MacLennan, Mary Ann, Head mathematics, 20 years,
140 MacPherson, Ian, Math teacher, 15 years,
141 Majerovich, Rose, Math teacher Ottawa Catholic DSB, 6 years,
142 Major, Louise, Math teacher, 7 years,
143 Malich, Gunter, Professional engineer, 33 years,
144 Marks, Renza, MAth department leader, 18 years,
145 Mastrofrancesco, Rosey, Head MAth, Middlefield CI, 17 years,
146 Mathia, Diane, Math teacher, 12 years,
147 Matthews, Erin , Math teacher Rosseau College , 6 years,
148 McBain, Brian , . Math teacher Applewood Heights SS, 2 years,
149 McColl, Bob, MArketing Consultant, 29 years,
150 McGill, Stuart, PhD, Chair, Department of Kineseology,
151 McGregor, Colleen, MAth tutor and teacher, 25 years,
152 McKay, Dave, Math head (Ret), , 34 years,
153 Meijer, David, Math teacher, 10 years,
154 Melnik, Carol , Math teacher , 18 years,
155 Meloche, Glen, Math head at Vincent MAssey SS, Windsor, 11 years,
156 Mengers, Henry, Head mathematics, 29 years,
157 Michielson, Dave, Math teacher, 20 years,
158 Mikoleit, Diane, Math teacher, 29 years,
159 z4, Head math, 10 years,
160 Miransky, Vladimir, Professor in Dpt of Applied MAth, UWO, London, 33 years, Distinguished Research Professorship(2005), Prize of National Acadamey of Sciences of Ukraine(1989)
161 Miske, Ray, MAth head, principal, 19 years, Prin for 17 years
162 Mitchell, Dave , . Retired math head, Development speaker, 30 years,
163 Moore, Mike, MAth teacher, 14 years,
164 Morgan, Dr Alan ,............... Prof of Geology, 35 years, Bancroft Award-Royal Society of Canada, Ambrose Medal-Geological Association of Canada and several other awards
165 Morgan, Scott ,.. Lead math teacher Lauelwood PS, 11 years,
166 Morgulis, Colleen, Math teacher, 20 years,
167 Morose, Tanya , . MSc candidate, Kineseology, University of Waterloo, Ergonomist, 5 years,
168 Mosca, Michele, PhD , . Professor of mathematics, University of Waterloo, Researcher at Perimeter Institute, 5 years, Canada Research Chair in Quantum Computing, Deputy Director of Institute for Quantum Computing, Ontario Premier's Research Excellence Award
169 Munroe, Ian, PhD , ... Professor and Canada Research Chair, Cheritan School of Computer Science University of Waterloo,
170 Murgatroyd, Eileen, Math head, 25 years,
171 Muser, Martin, PhD , . Professor of Physics and Applied MAth at UWO, , Premier's Research Excellence Award(2004), Young Innovator Award-Petrocanada(2003), Fyodor Lynen Fellow(1996)
172 Nayak, Aswin, Ass't Professor in Department of Combinatorics & Optimization,
173 Newkirk, Jennifer, Math teacher, 9 years,
174 Novotny, Lorna, Head mathematics, 15 years
175 O'Hara, Peter , . Math teacher, Glendale HS, 27 years, Descartes medalist, MAth Challenge Programme UWO
176 Palcic-Reid, Mayda, Math teacher, 13 years
177 Pengelly, Murray, Math teacher, 26 years,
178 Persaud, Rajesh, Math teacher, 6 years,
179 Petrie, Richard, Head mathematics- Southwood SS, Cambridge, 20 years, Barrday Teacher Excellence Award
180 Pierce, Carol, Educator, 28 years,
181 Pintillie, Alex, Math teacher Crescent School, 17 years,
182 Plewes, Donald, Professor & Research Scientist in Medical Physics, 30 years, Sylvia Fedoruk & Robarts Awards for Medical Physics
183 Poepping, Tamie, Assistant professor,
184 Pogue, Karen, Instructional designer in software industry,
185 Pogue, Paul ,, . Math teacher(Ret), 34.5 years, Descartes medalist University of Waterloo, Prime Minister's Award for Excellence in teaching
186 Poole, Greg , . Math head, 31 years, Avon Maitland Excellence Award in Education
187 Poulter, Dr Michael, PhD, Scientist, Professor UWO, Canadian Federation for Innovation New Opportunity Research, International Research Fellow France and USA
188 Pozder, Pearl , Math teacher St MAry's CHS,
189 Price-Jones, Neil, President,
190 Rachich, Frank, Frank, Math head (Ret), 33 years, Descartes medalist, University of Waterloo
191 Rancourt, Scott, Math teacher at Ancaster HS, 1.5 years,
192 Rangova, Maria, PhD, Assoc Prof Medical Biophysics, UWO,
193 Rattenbury, Mike, Math head, 25 years,
194 Raymond, Allan, Math teacher (ret), 35 years,
195 Reesor, Mark, PfD, Professor of Applied Mathematics, 4 years, SHARCNET Research Chair
196 Rice, Larry , . Math teacher, instructor at CEMC, 31 years, Descartes medalist, University of Waterloo
197 Richards, Ashley, Head math and computer science Hillcrest HS, Ottawa, 12 years,
198 Riegort, Dave, Math head-Pickering HS, 31 years,
199 Rigby, Heather, Math leader Greenwood College,
200 Roffey, Rev Bruce, MSc, Counsellor at St Andrew's, Chaplain World Religions, 3 years,
201 Rosanelli, Ross, Math physics teacher, 19 years,
202 Rothwell, Ron, Physics teacher (Ret), 33 years,
203 Ruhnke, Matthew, Math teacher, 3 years,
204 Rumney, Dianne, Coordinator of adult literacy and numeracy for Thames Valley DSB , 20 years,
205 Ruza, Christine, Math teacher, 12 years,
206 Santin, Anita , . Math teacher-secondary, university, 35 years,
207 Sauve, Jeanne, Math teacher, 8 years,
208 Sauve, Mark, Math head St Amry's HS, Kitchener, 17 years,
209 Savage, John, Math head (ret), Math coordinator for Sudbury (Ret), 34 years, Descartes Medalist, University of Waterloo
210 Scagnetti, Wendy, Math teacher, 25 years,
211 Schatz, Frances, Freelance math tutor, consultant, 40 years, Teacher recognotion award by University of Waterloo
212 Schmidt, Bob, Math teacher, 33 years,
213 Schmidt, Phil, Graduate student Civil engineering, University of Waterloo, NSERC PGS M Scholarship
214 Schofield, Walker, Math head (Ret), 35 years, Descartes medalist, University of Waterloo
215 Schurter, Jim , . Math teacher/Head, CEMC, University of Waterloo, 36 years, Descartes Medalist from University of Waterloo, Prime Minister of Canada Teaching Award
216 Schwartz, Lynn, Mom, Customer Service Rep at Royal Bank,
217 Seltzer, Robert, Math curriculum leader Toronto French School, 25 years,
218 Shenkar, Sneha, Certified Kineseologist, 2 years, NSERC for MSc
219 Shepherd, Dave , Assistant math leader at Collingwood C I, 31 years,
220 Shifrin, Jeff , . MAth teacher-secondary, university (Ret), 33 years,
221 Silvestro, Michael, Retired teacher, President Grandad Potato Chips,
222 Simpson, Fraser, Math teacher at UTS, 21 years,
223 Smith, Marcia, Math teacher, 22 years,
224 Sneep, Vicky, Mat teacher O'Neill CVI, 28 years,
225 Sparks, Jim, Head math Bradford DHS, 23 years,
226 Spence, Breda, Elementary teacher,
227 Starinets, Andrei, Post doctoral research associate,
228 Suominen, Taipo, Math teacher, 29 years,
229 Swan, Stuart, Head University Counselling, 30 years,
230 z5, Math and computer science teacher, 4 years,
231 Te Bokkel, Marcel, Head mathematics, ,
232 Tessarloo, Gianna, Science techer, 15 years,
233 Thomson, James,PhD, Assoc Professor of Kinesiology, 34 years,
234 Tonin, Laura .., Head math Lakeport SS, Lecturer at Brock, 6 years,
235 Townes, Tara, Math and English teacher, 6 years,
236 Turner, Cameron, Chief technical officer- WE Create Ltd, 5 years,
237 Turner, John, Prof engineer (civil), 3 years,
238 Valluri, Ram, PhD, Assistant professor, 20 years,
239 Van Herk, Nick, MAth teacher, 16 years,
240 Vandenberg, Judy, Secondary teacher, 10 years,
241 Varga, Leon ., Math teacher, Fletcher's Meadow SS, 1 year,
242 Vasiga, Troy , . Director Canadian Computing Competition, lecturer, 8 years,
243 Wasserfall, Val , Mom, Elementary teacher , 6 years,
244 Watson, John, Math teacher (Ret), 38 years,
245 Whitty, Nancy, Head math Bracebridge & Muskoka Lakes SS, 15 years,
246 Wilson, Andrew, Math teacher, 25 years,
247 Wismath, Jim, Prof Engineer-electrical, 25 years,
248 Wohlgemut, Horst, Retired Teacher, Principal, Superintendant, Limestone DBE, 35 years,
249 Wong, Barrington, MAth teacher, 5 years,
250 Zarate, Lindsey, Math teacher, First year,
251 Zobiri, Djouher, Math teacher,
List of late additions to the petition. These names arrived after 15 Jan, 2006.
Wagner, Kim, teacher
Tymec, Daniel, GECDSBoard
Weiner, Barbara , WCDSBoard
Dunk, Nadine, Doctoral student
Vincent, J Teacher
Harrington, PAul, SCDS Board
Luoma, DArren , Math teacher, Barrie
Harper, Craig, Professional Engineer, Walter Fedy
McKAy, Helen, MAth teacher
Courtney, Moira, Professional engineer
Lang, Diane, Head of MAth dept
Summers, Burle, Teacher, principal, Superintendant, Director of Education and MOE Programme Director (Retired)
-Bain, Linda, Math head O'Neil CI in Oshawa
-Telegdi, Andrew, MP for Waterloo
-Royce, Pam, Math teacher at St Clements School
-Stevens, Stephanie, Head math at St Clements
-Lal, Mohina, Math teacher Branksom Hall
-Dickson, Sarah, MAth teacher and athletic director at St Clements
-Redmond, Pam , Assistant head of math
-Festarini, Krista , Math teacher at St Clements 9 years
-Moutray, Dick , Electrical engineer Raytheon Ltd 35 years
-Field, Scott, Math teacher O'NeillCVI 8 years
-Porciello, Cathy, Prof Engineer, Math teacher at O'Neill CVI 8 years
-Varma, Lisa, Math teacher (Ret) 31 years
-Burch, Amy , Math teacher 1 year
-Bain, Martin , Engineer/Manager at Hydro One Networks Inc 28 years
-Murray, Dean, retired Head of Math Halton DSB and Lecturer Univ. of Waterloo,Descartes Medallist,32 years,
Prime Minister of Canada Award for Excellence and other awards for Education
-Brown, Dr. Steve , Phd, Associate Dean, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo
-Snyder, Nancy Math teacher, 13 years, WCCSB STAFF EXCELLENCE AWARD, 2005
-Wilkinson, Dr. Carole, Optometrist and Mother, Elmira
-Behnke, Linda, Mathematics Teacher, Waterloo-Oxford D.S.S.
-Gabriel Tse, Professional Engineer, President of LycathTech Sales Inc, Kitchener, Ontario
-Stanford, David, Professor of Statistics, University of Western Ontario, London
-Fuchs,Ruth, RR#1 Binbrook, Math teacher, 25 years
-Callaghan,Dr. Jack P., Phd, Associate Professor, Department of Kineseology, University of Waterloo * Awarded: Canada Research Chair in Spine Biomechanics,
NSERC for doctoral work, project leader in auto21 network of Centres of Excellence etc.
-Prime,Wendell, Technical Manager, Department of Kineseology, University of Waterloo
-Cowan, Don, Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Waterloo, 45 years
-Dr. Mike Lazaridis c/o RIM,305 Phillip Street,Waterloo, ON,N2L 3W8
Founder, President & Co-CEO, Research In Motion,Chancellor, University of Waterloo, Founder & Chairman, Perimeter Institute
FINAL MEDIA RELEASE: Complete Petition and signatures
from: Concerned Mathematics Educators, Researchers, the public
to: Editors, Education editors, Technology Editors of Ontario newspapers
regarding: A Petition to the Premier, Minister of Education and other
MPPs with specific recommendations intended to reverse the dilution of secondary school
Mathematics Education in Ontario Secondary Schools.
date: January 27, 2006.
contacts: Gordon Nicholls,
This petition has been delivered to Premier Dalton McGuinty, Hon. Gerrard Kennedy (Minister of Education), John Milloy (MPP for Kitchener-Centre) and other members of the provincial legislature on January 17, 2006.
The petition consists of three components:
1. The covering letter from Gordon Nicholls to the Premier on behalf of those who have affixed their names to this petition
2. The actual petition in the form of a letter to the Premier and
3. The list of 286 people who have read and agreed with the content of the petition.
The list of names is in two parts:
1. a numbered, alphabetic list of 252 people who signed the petition within a 10 day window and
2. approx. 34 more who have joined the petition after the original was delivered to the Premier.
For privacy reasons,all addresses have been deleted from this copy of the petition. Qualifications, degrees and awards are shown.
In addition,the names of five people who so requested are designated as z1 to z5.
====== Covering Letter ========================================================================
36 The Crestway, Kitchener, N2P-2J2,
15 January, 2005
Dear Premier McGuinty:
Enclosed with this letter is a petition signed by over 250 Ontarians who have a deep concern about the sudden and ill advised decision to remove Calculus from the secondary school math curriculum. We believe this decision by your Ministry of Education is both ill advised and guaranteed to reduce the school system of Ontario to second class status. This concern is reflected by the variety of petition supporters. Included are representatives of the university community, the high technology research community, the business community, the teaching community and the community of parents.
We also draw to your attention that your Ministry of Education has received submissions from the Professional Engineers of Ontario, The Science Teachers of Ontario, The Durham Catholic School Board and a small group of Toronto area schools. All these submissions called for a halt to the decision to remove Calculus that was announced in the Memorandum entitled "Revised Course Descriptions", dated November 2, 2005 that was sent to all principals and superintendents under the signature of Kit Rankin, Director of Curriculum and Assessment Policy.
Course registration for September 2006 is in its earliest stages in high schools and will be completed in February. Our petition calls for you to discuss this crisis situation you're your cabinet so that this unwise decision to remove the Calculus course from the high school can be reversed. We hope this will enable you to avoid a political embarrassment and outrage from the people of Ontario who are concerned with the direction of education.
Thank you for your immediate response to this urgent situation.
Yours truly,
Gordon Nicholls
On behalf of the petitioners
Hon. Dalton McGuinty,
Premier of Ontario
Queen's Park, Toronto
CC- Hon. Gerard Kennedy
- Mr John Milloy, MPP, Kitchener
Dear Premier McGuinty
We the undersigned are writing to you because of our great concern about the possible reduction in the quality of the Secondary School mathematics programme. This issue has been highlighted recently in a series of articles in the KW Record and the content of these articles suggests your government is about to make a serious mistake in the revisions for the school mathematics curriculum.
We have the following concerns:
1. For over fifty years the final year mathematics programme in Ontario consisted of three high level courses for university bound students. All of these courses were optional and thus offered to those students who wanted to pursue careers in the high technology areas of computer science, engineering, mathematics and physics. For the last 35 years students who wanted to study in these areas at the university were well prepared in Calculus, Linear Algebra, Algebra and Functions and Elementary Statistics. In many cases our students had a competitive advantage over students from other provinces. This is no longer the case.
2. When the Harris government dropped grade 13 from the Ontario school system, it attempted to preserve the three graduating year math courses by combining much of the content of the old grade 13 courses into two new grade 12 courses. The third new grade 12 course was focused in a new direction and did not contain a significant amount of the old courses. This put extra pressure on the Calculus, Functions course and the Geometry, Discrete Math course as well as on the grade 11 course to guarantee that students attained a suitable level of competence in skill development, understanding of new concepts and ability to problem solve. The answer to reducing this pressure is NOT to remove the Calculus course, rather it is to adjust the other new course so it can serve as the basic preparatory course for the Calculus and Linear Algebra courses.
3. Historically the revision of mathematics courses in Ontario was a long and slow process that often left Ontario far behind other major western countries. For example, a long overdue revision was implemented in 1937-39 to bring topics into the curriculum that would better prepare students for the tasks of navigation, gunnery control and radar reading. These topics had been in the high schools of Germany, France and other European countries for over thirty years! The next revision was implemented twenty-four years later in the period 1961-67 as a response to the Russian Sputnik space adventure. After that Ontario was very pro-active in revising and constantly improving the mathematics curriculum in an attempt to bring our programme in line with the programmes of the advanced western countries. The removal of Calculus will undo the hard work of the last thirty-five years and return Ontario to a secondary status amongst the technologically advanced countries. We think this will have serious repercussions for our high technology economy.
4. The provinces, such as Alberta, British Columbia and Quebec, with excellent university preparatory programmes in mathematics all include Calculus in the final year at the secondary school. One major reason for introducing Calculus at this level is that it exposes the bright students who select this course to the modern concepts of instantaneous rate of change and optimization. If Ontario removes Calculus from the final year at the secondary school our province will be below the standard set by three provinces that represent over half of the population base of Canada. We oppose the proposition that Ontario should be in the bottom half.
5. When you visited the University of Waterloo recently you stated that it was important for Ontario to maintain the leadership role in the high technology areas and indeed you stated it was essential to improve our competitive position. We will not do this if you lower the standards in the high school mathematics curriculum.
6. The last ten years has seen a proliferation of offerings of the IB and AP courses in Ontario schools. This trend is starting to create a two tier system of schools in Ontario. If Calculus is removed from the high school curriculum, then we think there will be a continuation of the trend to inequity in our high schools. Schools with strong staffs and local community support will start to offer either AP, IB or locally developed math and science courses that will keep their students competitive with students from other Canadian provinces and American states that offer good secondary programmes. Schools in poorer areas that do not have these advantages will fall behind and form the lower tier in a system that will not longer offer equality of opportunity. This approach is contrary to everything that Ontario created in the past and we oppose establishing the conditions that might allow it to occur.
In summary we ask you to discuss our concerns with your education minister and the cabinet. Further we request you implement a moratorium on the hasty actions currently in progress to cancel Calculus. Finally we recommend you form a new curriculum committee to look at how to preserve the teaching of Calculus in the secondary schools. If you think the secondary school mathematics programme must be adjusted, then we suggest you look at the following three ideas:
(i)Change the current grade 12 Data Management course to a Functions and Discrete Math course.
(ii)Return the current Functions and Calculus course to a Calculus course similar to the 1988 to 2000 Calculus course.
(iii)Return the current Geometry and Discrete math course to a Linear Algebra and Geometry course.
Thank you for your consideration of our concerns and our suggestions.
Yours truly,
Gordon Nicholls, 36 The Crestway, Kitchener, N2P2J2, Math head for 32 years, Retired managing director of the CEMC at University of Waterloo, Descartes Medalist University of Waterlo, Prime Minister of Canada Award for Excellence in Teaching
1 Abernathy, Lisa ,Curriculum consultant,
2 Ablett, Don, MAth teacher, Vice principal, 23 years, 9 years as a VP
3 Altermann, Michele, Science teacher,
4 Alves, Paul , Math head Stephen Lewis SS, 8 years,
5 Anderson, Edwin, . Math lecturer at University of Waterloo , 40 years , Descartes medalist University of Waterloo, Pouliot Award for service to mathematics in Canada, co-founder of Can MAth Contests
6 Anderson, Jeff , .. Math head Forest Heights, President Graystone Compression Technology, 25 years, Chair of Cayley mathematics competition
7 z1, Math teacher, 15 years,
8 Anglin, Bill , Math Head, Provincial math Inspector, Superintendant(Ret), 32 years,
9 Auckland, Lloyd , Math Head, Vice-principal (REt), consultant to CMC45 years, 45 years, Descartes medalist, University of Waterloo
10 Auger, Melissa , Math teacher, 5 years,
11 Bagshaw, Bill , Science teacher, 10 years,
12 Banks, Gord, Math head, 32 years,
13 Banks, Lorraine , Math teacher(Ret), 35 years,
14 BArrick, Chris , Math teacher, 15 years,
15 BAumgart, Ed, Math head (Ret), 34 years, Descartes Medalist, University of Waterloo, Stewart Award, Co-founder of GVMA
16 Bender, Crista, Head math Waterloo Oxford DSS, 25 years,
17 Beresford, Dick .,. Math teacher, principal, Assistant Superintendant(Ret), 33 years,
18 Bielby, David, Math teacher, 10 years,
19 Biffis, Judy, Math teacher, 15 years,
20 Billey, Ken ,.. Math Head Holy Name HS, 32 years,
21 Binning, Aaron, Candidate for BEd at Waterloo/Queens,
22 Bishop, Lloyd , .. President(Ret) Ivest Properties, 25 years,
23 Blizzard, Louis, Math teacher, 15 years,
24 Bonanca, David, Math teacher Abbet PArk, 5 years,
25 Bosse, Michael, Math teacher, 7 years,
26 Boychuk, Hilary, Math teacher, 4 months,
27 Braithwaite, Todd , MAth head at Leamington DSS,
28 Brennan, Nellie, Math teacher All Saints CSS, 16 years,
29 Breuls, Bob, Math teacher Eastdale CVI, 12 years,
30 Brown, Doug, Head mathematics, Cesley DHS (Ret) 30 years,
31 Buchel, Alex, PhD , Assistant professor of mathematics, 2 years,
32 Bukta, David, Math teacher, 8 years,
33 Burbidge, Ann, Math teacher, 35 years,
34 Burgess, Cliff, Researcher at Perimeter Institute, McMaster University,
35 Burns, Michael, Math head,
36 Calhoun, Gayle, Math teacher, 30 years,
37 Carli, Enzo ,Math head and teacher at U of W with CEMC(Ret), 33 years and 7 years, Descartes medalist at U of W, Prime Minister of Canada Award for excellence in teaching, Stewart Award
38 Carlin, Mark, Science teacher, 5 years,
39 Castanza, CArol Ann, Head math, business & computer studies Brookfield HS, 16 years,
40 Chakraborti, Sonali, Math physics teacher, 4 years,
41 Chan, Bosco , . Professor of Microbiology, 11 years,
42 Chappell, Jerry, Business system analyst, Open Text Corporation, Waterloo, Arthur Covaert Award for Academic Excellence
43 Charest, MAria, Math teacher Fletcher's Meadow SS,, 8 years,
44 Clark, Gail, MAth teacher, 8 years,
45 Clausi, Michelle, Teacher, first year,
46 Clausi, Richard , Math head Elmira DSS, teacher 31 years, Descartes medalist at U of W, National Prime Minister of Canada Award for excellence in teaching, Marshall McLuhan Award
47 Clinton, Lynn, Math teacher, 9 years,
48 Conn, Julia, Math teacher,
49 Cutts, John, Math science teacher., 1.5 years,
50 Danard, Charlotte, MAth teacher Branksome Hall, 18 years,
51 D'Arcy, Chris, MAth and Computer science teacher, 29 years,
52 Davidson, Dave, Math head (Ret), 35 years, Descartes medalist University of Waterloo, Past president OAME
53 deGraff, Adrian ,.. Head math, CS, Science Milton DSS, 13 years,
54 Dodman, Silvi, MAth coordinator at St Mildred's-Lightbourne, 29 years,
55 Doody, Brian, President DALSA Digital Imaging, 21 years, Professional engineer
56 Doody, Diana, Professional engineer, 21 years,
57 Drake, Janessa, Doctoral student at University of Waterloo, 2 years, CIRPD/CIHR Doctoral Research Award, NSERC scholarship
58 Duff, Bob , Principal, former math head, 25 years,
59 Dunham, Anne, Mom, Medical technologist, CFO of small business, 20 years,
60 Dunkley, Ron , . Associate Dean (Ret) and Director of CEMC (Ret) at University of Waterloo, 40 years, Descartes medalist, University of Waterloo, Order of Canada
61 Dusseault, Maurice, Professor,
62 Eden, Mike, Math teacher-Preston HS, 12 years,
63 Edwards, Bonnie, PhD , Math and physics teacher at university and high school , 16 years at each level, Co-author of math texts for Addison Wesley
64 Edwards, Jacqueline, Quality Control Manager, 9 months,
65 Eichholzer, George, Director, Siebel Systems Canada,
66 Elder, Kelly , . MAth teacher, 19 years,
67 Elias, Victor, PhD, Professor Applied MAthematics, 23 years, Edward Pleva Award Excellence in Teaching, Faculty of Science Distinguished Research Professor
68 Elliott, Annamae, Math and computer teacher, 5 years,
69 Elliott, Bob, MAth teacher, assistant head, 33 years,
70 Etherington, Alli, Math teacher Lorne Park SS, 7 years,
71 Evans, Kim, Math teacher, 13 years,
72 Fennell, Paul, Math teacher/head-Medway HS, 32 years,
73 Ferneyhough, Fred, Math teacher/head,
74 Ferneyhough, Lynda, MAth teacher secondary, university, 30 years,
75 Fieder, Anton, Math teacher, principal, 33 years,
76 Fitzgibbon, Teresa, Math teacher,
77 Flanagan, John, Math teacher, 22 years,
78 Flyn, Janice .,..... PhD Candidate, Human Kinetics, University of Waterloo, Many years as Physio Therapist,
79 Foulger, Mary, Math teacher, 5 years,
80 Fraser, Marion ,... Vice President Finance & Administration,
81 Freeman, Kim, High school teacher,
82 Frid, Norman, electrical Engineer, 25 years,
83 Fuchs, Gerry , . Math Physics teacher/Head, consultant Stoney Creek, 31 years,
84 Galbraith, John ,... Math teacher/Head, 25 years, Finn Stewart Teaching Award
85 Gallaugher, Eleanor, Head math, 17 years,
86 Gardiner, Peter, Head math at Galt C I, 19 years,
87 Gardner, Jeff, Math teacher, 20 years,
88 Gates, Cherie, Head of mathematics, 31 years,
89 Gazzola, Greg, Math head- Bluevale C I , Waterloo, 9 years,
90 Ghobril, Joseph, Math teacher, 5 years,
91 Giangrigorio,Lora, Assistant professor, Department of Kineseology,
92 Gillan, Margaret, Head Special services, Brantford CIVS 20 years math teacher,
93 Gillespie, Milja ,
94 Gillet, Rhoda ... Ontario math teacher(Ret), 34 years,
95 Girard, Diane, Math head at W Herman SS, Windsor, 30 years,
96 Goulet, Joe, MAth teacher, 2 years,
97 Grafton, Agnes, Math head-Assumption College, 20 Years,
98 Graham, Drew, Doctoral candidate, Department of Kineseology, U of W, 1 year, NSERC Scholarship, Presidents Grad Scholarship
99 Green, Ron , . Math teacher-secondary, university, 38 years,
100 Hambleton, Kenn, Math Head, 23 years,
101 Hamilton, Jonathan, Math teacher, 10 years,
102 Hardy, Lucien, Long term researcher at P I,
103 Hardy, Peter, MAth teacher(Ret), 33 years,
104 Havrot, Barbara, Math teacher, Brookfield HS, ottawa, 10 years,
105 Henry, Brian, Math teacher Waterloo Oxford SS, Head designate at Huron Heights SS, 28 years,
106 Hill, Warren, Math head- Grand River CI, 12 years,
107 Holdsworth, David, PhD, Professor, scientist at UWO, Premier's Research Excellence Award
108 Hommel, Tim, Math teacher, 27 years,
109 Hore, Deanna, Math teacher Lockerby Composite School, 10 years,
110 Hung, Austin, Computer Engineer, MSc, 3 years,
111 Hurrell, Marilyn . Math teacher-secondary, University, 35 years,
112 Husic, Elvin, Math head-CHCI, 14 years,
113 Iles, Doug . Ret math head White Pines C and VC, 33 years,
114 Ip, Kee, Math teacher, 3.5 years,
115 Jackson, Jennie, PhD Candidate Biomechanics, University of Waterloo, 3 years work, NSERC Scholarship, Presidents Grad Scholarship, U of W
116 Jackson, Joanna, Prof Engineer, 4 years,
117 Johnston, MArgo, Math head (Ret), 31 years, Descartes medalist, University of Waterloo
118 Jones, Carol . Assistant professor, 10 years,
119 Karrow, Paul .. Professor (Ret), 49 years, WA Johnston Medal
120 Kaufman, Steve ........... Senior Mechanical Engineer, Flowcase Engineering Inc, 22 years, Member Prof Engineers, Ontario, American Society of Mechanical Engineers
121 Kerr, Jane, MAth teacher, 10 years,
122 Kerr, MArgaret .. MAth computer teacher, 9 years,
123 Kewley, Ted, Math head- Preston High School, 22 years,
124 z2, Math curriculum leader , 15 years,
125 Kiziak, Gary . Head math and science(Ret) , 35 years, Descartes medalist, University of Waterloo
126 Koenka, Jack , . Head mathematics, 28 years, Descartes medalist, University of Waterloo, author
127 Koster, Pam,
128 Kreiss, Larry, MAth head at West Hill SS, 30 years,
129 Laflamme, Raymond , Profewssor of physics at Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo, Director Institute for Quantum Computing, Director CIAR QIP programme, Canada Researcg Chair in Quantum Information
130 Lancaster, Ron , ... Lecturer , 24 years, Hilroy Fellowship for Innovative teaching, Nortel Award for Excellence in Teaching and several other awards
131 Lang, Diane, Coordinator of math at UTS,
132 Latour, Sue, Math Science teacher, 7 years,
133 Lee, Melissa, Math teacher- Uxbridge SS, 11 years,
134 Lee, Tom, PhD, Vice-president, Market Developemnt, Maplesoft, 15 years, Professional engineer, numerous publications
135 Logan, Roger, Math teacher, 20 years,
136 Louie, Edith, Math teacher-Branksom Hall, 10 years,
137 z3, Math head-,
138 Lunney, Jeri ......... Math Head,Consultant, 33 years, Descartes Medalist, U of W, Prime Minister's Award, Attridge Award
139 MacLennan, Mary Ann, Head mathematics, 20 years,
140 MacPherson, Ian, Math teacher, 15 years,
141 Majerovich, Rose, Math teacher Ottawa Catholic DSB, 6 years,
142 Major, Louise, Math teacher, 7 years,
143 Malich, Gunter, Professional engineer, 33 years,
144 Marks, Renza, MAth department leader, 18 years,
145 Mastrofrancesco, Rosey, Head MAth, Middlefield CI, 17 years,
146 Mathia, Diane, Math teacher, 12 years,
147 Matthews, Erin , Math teacher Rosseau College , 6 years,
148 McBain, Brian , . Math teacher Applewood Heights SS, 2 years,
149 McColl, Bob, MArketing Consultant, 29 years,
150 McGill, Stuart, PhD, Chair, Department of Kineseology,
151 McGregor, Colleen, MAth tutor and teacher, 25 years,
152 McKay, Dave, Math head (Ret), , 34 years,
153 Meijer, David, Math teacher, 10 years,
154 Melnik, Carol , Math teacher , 18 years,
155 Meloche, Glen, Math head at Vincent MAssey SS, Windsor, 11 years,
156 Mengers, Henry, Head mathematics, 29 years,
157 Michielson, Dave, Math teacher, 20 years,
158 Mikoleit, Diane, Math teacher, 29 years,
159 z4, Head math, 10 years,
160 Miransky, Vladimir, Professor in Dpt of Applied MAth, UWO, London, 33 years, Distinguished Research Professorship(2005), Prize of National Acadamey of Sciences of Ukraine(1989)
161 Miske, Ray, MAth head, principal, 19 years, Prin for 17 years
162 Mitchell, Dave , . Retired math head, Development speaker, 30 years,
163 Moore, Mike, MAth teacher, 14 years,
164 Morgan, Dr Alan ,............... Prof of Geology, 35 years, Bancroft Award-Royal Society of Canada, Ambrose Medal-Geological Association of Canada and several other awards
165 Morgan, Scott ,.. Lead math teacher Lauelwood PS, 11 years,
166 Morgulis, Colleen, Math teacher, 20 years,
167 Morose, Tanya , . MSc candidate, Kineseology, University of Waterloo, Ergonomist, 5 years,
168 Mosca, Michele, PhD , . Professor of mathematics, University of Waterloo, Researcher at Perimeter Institute, 5 years, Canada Research Chair in Quantum Computing, Deputy Director of Institute for Quantum Computing, Ontario Premier's Research Excellence Award
169 Munroe, Ian, PhD , ... Professor and Canada Research Chair, Cheritan School of Computer Science University of Waterloo,
170 Murgatroyd, Eileen, Math head, 25 years,
171 Muser, Martin, PhD , . Professor of Physics and Applied MAth at UWO, , Premier's Research Excellence Award(2004), Young Innovator Award-Petrocanada(2003), Fyodor Lynen Fellow(1996)
172 Nayak, Aswin, Ass't Professor in Department of Combinatorics & Optimization,
173 Newkirk, Jennifer, Math teacher, 9 years,
174 Novotny, Lorna, Head mathematics, 15 years
175 O'Hara, Peter , . Math teacher, Glendale HS, 27 years, Descartes medalist, MAth Challenge Programme UWO
176 Palcic-Reid, Mayda, Math teacher, 13 years
177 Pengelly, Murray, Math teacher, 26 years,
178 Persaud, Rajesh, Math teacher, 6 years,
179 Petrie, Richard, Head mathematics- Southwood SS, Cambridge, 20 years, Barrday Teacher Excellence Award
180 Pierce, Carol, Educator, 28 years,
181 Pintillie, Alex, Math teacher Crescent School, 17 years,
182 Plewes, Donald, Professor & Research Scientist in Medical Physics, 30 years, Sylvia Fedoruk & Robarts Awards for Medical Physics
183 Poepping, Tamie, Assistant professor,
184 Pogue, Karen, Instructional designer in software industry,
185 Pogue, Paul ,, . Math teacher(Ret), 34.5 years, Descartes medalist University of Waterloo, Prime Minister's Award for Excellence in teaching
186 Poole, Greg , . Math head, 31 years, Avon Maitland Excellence Award in Education
187 Poulter, Dr Michael, PhD, Scientist, Professor UWO, Canadian Federation for Innovation New Opportunity Research, International Research Fellow France and USA
188 Pozder, Pearl , Math teacher St MAry's CHS,
189 Price-Jones, Neil, President,
190 Rachich, Frank, Frank, Math head (Ret), 33 years, Descartes medalist, University of Waterloo
191 Rancourt, Scott, Math teacher at Ancaster HS, 1.5 years,
192 Rangova, Maria, PhD, Assoc Prof Medical Biophysics, UWO,
193 Rattenbury, Mike, Math head, 25 years,
194 Raymond, Allan, Math teacher (ret), 35 years,
195 Reesor, Mark, PfD, Professor of Applied Mathematics, 4 years, SHARCNET Research Chair
196 Rice, Larry , . Math teacher, instructor at CEMC, 31 years, Descartes medalist, University of Waterloo
197 Richards, Ashley, Head math and computer science Hillcrest HS, Ottawa, 12 years,
198 Riegort, Dave, Math head-Pickering HS, 31 years,
199 Rigby, Heather, Math leader Greenwood College,
200 Roffey, Rev Bruce, MSc, Counsellor at St Andrew's, Chaplain World Religions, 3 years,
201 Rosanelli, Ross, Math physics teacher, 19 years,
202 Rothwell, Ron, Physics teacher (Ret), 33 years,
203 Ruhnke, Matthew, Math teacher, 3 years,
204 Rumney, Dianne, Coordinator of adult literacy and numeracy for Thames Valley DSB , 20 years,
205 Ruza, Christine, Math teacher, 12 years,
206 Santin, Anita , . Math teacher-secondary, university, 35 years,
207 Sauve, Jeanne, Math teacher, 8 years,
208 Sauve, Mark, Math head St Amry's HS, Kitchener, 17 years,
209 Savage, John, Math head (ret), Math coordinator for Sudbury (Ret), 34 years, Descartes Medalist, University of Waterloo
210 Scagnetti, Wendy, Math teacher, 25 years,
211 Schatz, Frances, Freelance math tutor, consultant, 40 years, Teacher recognotion award by University of Waterloo
212 Schmidt, Bob, Math teacher, 33 years,
213 Schmidt, Phil, Graduate student Civil engineering, University of Waterloo, NSERC PGS M Scholarship
214 Schofield, Walker, Math head (Ret), 35 years, Descartes medalist, University of Waterloo
215 Schurter, Jim , . Math teacher/Head, CEMC, University of Waterloo, 36 years, Descartes Medalist from University of Waterloo, Prime Minister of Canada Teaching Award
216 Schwartz, Lynn, Mom, Customer Service Rep at Royal Bank,
217 Seltzer, Robert, Math curriculum leader Toronto French School, 25 years,
218 Shenkar, Sneha, Certified Kineseologist, 2 years, NSERC for MSc
219 Shepherd, Dave , Assistant math leader at Collingwood C I, 31 years,
220 Shifrin, Jeff , . MAth teacher-secondary, university (Ret), 33 years,
221 Silvestro, Michael, Retired teacher, President Grandad Potato Chips,
222 Simpson, Fraser, Math teacher at UTS, 21 years,
223 Smith, Marcia, Math teacher, 22 years,
224 Sneep, Vicky, Mat teacher O'Neill CVI, 28 years,
225 Sparks, Jim, Head math Bradford DHS, 23 years,
226 Spence, Breda, Elementary teacher,
227 Starinets, Andrei, Post doctoral research associate,
228 Suominen, Taipo, Math teacher, 29 years,
229 Swan, Stuart, Head University Counselling, 30 years,
230 z5, Math and computer science teacher, 4 years,
231 Te Bokkel, Marcel, Head mathematics, ,
232 Tessarloo, Gianna, Science techer, 15 years,
233 Thomson, James,PhD, Assoc Professor of Kinesiology, 34 years,
234 Tonin, Laura .., Head math Lakeport SS, Lecturer at Brock, 6 years,
235 Townes, Tara, Math and English teacher, 6 years,
236 Turner, Cameron, Chief technical officer- WE Create Ltd, 5 years,
237 Turner, John, Prof engineer (civil), 3 years,
238 Valluri, Ram, PhD, Assistant professor, 20 years,
239 Van Herk, Nick, MAth teacher, 16 years,
240 Vandenberg, Judy, Secondary teacher, 10 years,
241 Varga, Leon ., Math teacher, Fletcher's Meadow SS, 1 year,
242 Vasiga, Troy , . Director Canadian Computing Competition, lecturer, 8 years,
243 Wasserfall, Val , Mom, Elementary teacher , 6 years,
244 Watson, John, Math teacher (Ret), 38 years,
245 Whitty, Nancy, Head math Bracebridge & Muskoka Lakes SS, 15 years,
246 Wilson, Andrew, Math teacher, 25 years,
247 Wismath, Jim, Prof Engineer-electrical, 25 years,
248 Wohlgemut, Horst, Retired Teacher, Principal, Superintendant, Limestone DBE, 35 years,
249 Wong, Barrington, MAth teacher, 5 years,
250 Zarate, Lindsey, Math teacher, First year,
251 Zobiri, Djouher, Math teacher,
List of late additions to the petition. These names arrived after 15 Jan, 2006.
Wagner, Kim, teacher
Tymec, Daniel, GECDSBoard
Weiner, Barbara , WCDSBoard
Dunk, Nadine, Doctoral student
Vincent, J Teacher
Harrington, PAul, SCDS Board
Luoma, DArren , Math teacher, Barrie
Harper, Craig, Professional Engineer, Walter Fedy
McKAy, Helen, MAth teacher
Courtney, Moira, Professional engineer
Lang, Diane, Head of MAth dept
Summers, Burle, Teacher, principal, Superintendant, Director of Education and MOE Programme Director (Retired)
-Bain, Linda, Math head O'Neil CI in Oshawa
-Telegdi, Andrew, MP for Waterloo
-Royce, Pam, Math teacher at St Clements School
-Stevens, Stephanie, Head math at St Clements
-Lal, Mohina, Math teacher Branksom Hall
-Dickson, Sarah, MAth teacher and athletic director at St Clements
-Redmond, Pam , Assistant head of math
-Festarini, Krista , Math teacher at St Clements 9 years
-Moutray, Dick , Electrical engineer Raytheon Ltd 35 years
-Field, Scott, Math teacher O'NeillCVI 8 years
-Porciello, Cathy, Prof Engineer, Math teacher at O'Neill CVI 8 years
-Varma, Lisa, Math teacher (Ret) 31 years
-Burch, Amy , Math teacher 1 year
-Bain, Martin , Engineer/Manager at Hydro One Networks Inc 28 years
-Murray, Dean, retired Head of Math Halton DSB and Lecturer Univ. of Waterloo,Descartes Medallist,32 years,
Prime Minister of Canada Award for Excellence and other awards for Education
-Brown, Dr. Steve , Phd, Associate Dean, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo
-Snyder, Nancy Math teacher, 13 years, WCCSB STAFF EXCELLENCE AWARD, 2005
-Wilkinson, Dr. Carole, Optometrist and Mother, Elmira
-Behnke, Linda, Mathematics Teacher, Waterloo-Oxford D.S.S.
-Gabriel Tse, Professional Engineer, President of LycathTech Sales Inc, Kitchener, Ontario
-Stanford, David, Professor of Statistics, University of Western Ontario, London
-Fuchs,Ruth, RR#1 Binbrook, Math teacher, 25 years
-Callaghan,Dr. Jack P., Phd, Associate Professor, Department of Kineseology, University of Waterloo * Awarded: Canada Research Chair in Spine Biomechanics,
NSERC for doctoral work, project leader in auto21 network of Centres of Excellence etc.
-Prime,Wendell, Technical Manager, Department of Kineseology, University of Waterloo
-Cowan, Don, Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Waterloo, 45 years
-Dr. Mike Lazaridis c/o RIM,305 Phillip Street,Waterloo, ON,N2L 3W8
Founder, President & Co-CEO, Research In Motion,Chancellor, University of Waterloo, Founder & Chairman, Perimeter Institute
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